Forensic Neuropsychology


Please contact Dr. Kirk if you are interested in retaining his services for a forensic evaluation or for a comprehensive list of expert witness testimony.
The first step in the process is a brief phone consultation and then a records review, with initial impressions and recommendations provided by Dr. Kirk to the referring attorney.
Previous Work

Dr. Kirk has served as an expert witness in both deposition and trial proceedings and has testified in Colorado Due Process hearings with regard to potential violations of federal education laws and eligibility for special education services for students.

What Dr. Kirk Offers

Dr. Kirk provides attorneys with comprehensive medical records review, case consultation, and/or independent neuropsychological evaluation for cases involved in litigation. He has worked extensively with both plaintiff and defense attorneys in the context of personal injury claims and medical malpractice lawsuits.

Forensic vs. Clinical

Forensic neuropsychological evaluations are different than clinical evaluations, in that they often require a more extensive records review, determination of causality, and predictions of how current injuries have implications for future functioning.